Saturday, January 24, 2015

Jung Typology Test

Extravert(11%)  Sensing(12%)  Feeling(38%)  Judging(56%)
I have to admit when I first saw my results, I just went by the percentage shown above.
Judging was 56%, this caught me off guard, Iv never been the type of person to judge, because it drives me crazy when it happens to myself.  So, naturally  I didn't think this test would be that accurate.  Until, I found the actual meaning of the ESFJ, then I realized this Jung Typology Test was actually accurate.  It says the ESFJ place a strong emphasis on loyalty, family, authority, and tradition. ESFJ usually feel comfortable talking about there values with others, and feel uncomfortable in stressful or negative situations. 
           Iv always put my family, along with friends ahead of myself, and I believe its important to be trusting, loyal, along with truthful with others.  Having these "values" helps me respect myself more, and I always hope to get the same treatment in response from others.  I hate being in those awkward or uncomfortable situations,  Iv never liked being in a negative environment, and I hate dealing with drama (who really dose?).    Now, you can understand why I was caught off guard when I began reading the results of ESFJ.  I'm still not sure how 56% is put into Judging?  I'm hoping to do some more research to figure out how they actually come up with these percentages in each category.
         When it comes to me writing something, I usually have trouble getting started, and when doing an writing assignment I usually second guess myself on what's being asked.  I do enjoy writing about topics or experiences that I can connect with, the writing comes a lot easier, and usually have trouble fitting or finding a stopping point.   I would like to be more confident in my writing, and not feel so hesitant when it comes to writing a paper or sharing my thoughts, and opinions.
         The Jung Typology says a ESFJ finds it easier to write about people or their own personal experiences, and think about how there audiences will receive them.   It also, they tend to tailor their there writing to please the reader, but should be cautions not to become to dependent on there audiences.
       Overall, you can see how my personality is accurate with these Jung Typology test, and I can see where I can improve on myself.  When it comes to my writing skills, I hope to turn it around, and even push my limits.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you...many students do not do the reading and misunderstand the definitions of the indicators. Good reflection. You are specific and show rather than tell.
