Know Your Audience Analysis
Our English 101 Class is full of ambushes students, I recognized this when our discussion was posted for this assignment "Know Your Audience", I could barley keep up with everyone's post. Everyone was jumping on this assignment, and following it through until the last student posted. There were many question that where in-depth like "if you could go back to another century, which one, and why?" This leads me to believe, we have audience members who want to know the reasoning behind the topic, they like to/ receive a challenge, and like to research/think before using what comes to mind first. After reading through our discussion board "Know Your Audience" Iv discovered how many of us are older reenrolling for school, and it's surprised me how much we have in common or can relate to one-another. Yes, were all in an English class, but I did find it interested how many book related question where asked for an example "what your favorite book related movie? and What's your favorite Author?" with all the responses I'm assuming we have a lot of readers. I asked the question, "Where do you see yourself in 10years", and it was encouraging to see what some responded with. Which goes back to what I first said, everyone is ambushes, and has a plan of action or goals there amid to accomplish. It was nice reading through everyone's questions, along with the comments posted to see where everyone had to say. Yes, there was the basic questions like "what's your favorite color", but I expected to see these type of questions. It's the simple question that let you learn a lot about each other in a short time frame. Plus, it's always interesting finding the ones who had the same answer or related the best to yourself. I'm looking forward to getting to know my audience more, and hopefully I can contribute the same in return.
Thank You
Thank You
We do have some very interesting people in our class. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments on our discussion boards. The downfall of doing online classes is never really getting to know our classmates so the discussion boards felt like a peek into everyone else life.