Sunday, February 22, 2015

Daily Blog

Sunday, February, 22nd

Daily Blog

My Favorite TV Show

                              I usually, don't get "additive"  to a TV series, simply because I'm usually preoccupied with my children. This being said, a few months ago, a friend of mine told me about this show called "Parenthood", and I needed to watch it.  The next night I couldn't sleep, I turned on Netflix's, and guess what show I saw.  I have to admit, after the first show I was hooked.  I actually developed a little case of "late night TV junkie), as I told my husband.  This show pulled me in,  I enjoyed it because it deals with real life situations, that families go through.   It showed a relationship between brothers & sister's, from them not getting along, then to having each others back.  You watched four families go through struggles, accomplishments, and then they'd all come together as a whole family. They dealt with their parents transitioning to new adventures, to them dealing with health scares.    I appreciated this show, because they hit about every common topic a family deals with in real life. They didn't add that random situation or event that throws most show off for myself.  They kept it "real" so to speak.  I just finished the series last week, I was sad to see it go, and stop being that "late night TV junkie".  I read an article saying they should have went another two or three season because there rating were so high. I disagree, they wrapped the show up very tastefully, and ended it on a high note. Instead of pushing the writing/limits to find those stories to keep it going.

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