Sunday, March 1, 2015

Daily Blog ( Reflection)

Sunday, March, 1st

Daily Blog

Final Blog Reflection

                                      I found this blogging assignment, challenging, eye opening, rewarding, stressful, and eventful.   I  know that's a wide range of words to describe this assignment over our daily blog entry's, but were also supposed to be totally honest in this reflection.   The biggest challenge for me was thinking of topics for each day, some days it was easier because I already had something on my mind.  I think this blog was also rewarding because I feel like my writing has improved, and I'm better now at opening up to write a post, without thinking what will everyone ales want or expect to read.   I enjoyed having control over my daily topics to write about, I feel like I kept my mostly personal or daily events.  Which was comfortable to an extent, but I feel it was rewarding on some of the topics to voice my opinion or reflect on something from the past.  Now, I did have a lot of technical problems with this website when trying to publish my post. I did contact the webpage itself, but the problem was never resolved, I did mention in a "burning question" post the code message I kept receiving.  I had to retype several post, to get them to publish correctly.  This became very time consuming, and stressful.  I understand we needed to use to site for this class assignment so our fellow classmates could follow along and do comments etc.  It's a bonus knowing now how to set a blog up, this may become beneficial down the road someday.   I don't like how there isn't security settings to allow permission who see's your post.  I didn't like getting random comments from complete strangers or the idea of my blog being exposed for anyone to see.  I understand this is my personal feeling, and possible it's a benefit for it to be on this webpage.   Iv never had an intent to have a personal blog, so maybe I'd feel different if I did.  I know we have until week fourteen to get our comments down for our ELO's of fellow classmates blogs, I do hope the blogs get posted where everyone can view each others.  Or I feel this will almost have been a lot of timed wasted time.  With the webpage messing up on me, along with having to retype daily blogs, it would have been much easier just to set something up through word, and send you a weekly post.    

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and honest reflection. You should be pleased with what you have accomplished with this project. You have a nice body of work here. Several students have commented on the public nature of this assignment. An audience is crucial and it is important to try to move beyond your peers. I will have to think about this in the future. As a writer, you have control over your privacy at all times. This is a control worth taking. We will be working on comments during the last part of the semester. ~Ms. A.
